You have questions or wish to submit a request for quotation? Please contact our staff at our offices in Dunaszentbenedek:
Trucking and Services Ltd.
Seat, mail address: Lot No. 054/25 Dunaszentbenedek, H 6333
Telephone: +36 78 416 021
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Trucking and Services Ltd.
H 2900 Komárom, Külterület 0250/17.
Your contact persons responsible for the business areas:

Kübler Gábor
head of logistics
Telephone: +36 78 416 021
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Cell phone: +36 78 416 180

Ildikó Urbán
forwarder, combine transport
Telephone: +36 78 516 011
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Cell phone: +36 30 638 5658

Tamás Anisity
commercial vehicle transport
Telephone: +36 78 566 022
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Cell phone: +36 30 746 0124

Csilla Czár
forwarder, conventional transport
Telephone: +36 78 516 010
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Cell phone: +36 30 207 4955

Tibor Vincze
forwarder, car transport
Telephone: +36 78 516 024
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Cell phone: +36 30 228 8807

Katalin Orosz
insurance administrator
Telephone: +36 78 566 017
Facsimile: +36 78 416 180
Cell phone: +36 30 415 8459